Logos for March 21, 2020--A Letter from Our President

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Dear Brothers and Sisters, first of all, I want to express my deep appreciation to you during this very challenging time in the life of our Country and World. It is encouraging and heartening to see a number of you living out your faith in real-time! As a result of the Coronavirus, we as a Conference are experiencing issues we would never have anticipated only a few short weeks ago. Ideas formally considered have become outdated due to the constant discussions currently being had by the wider organization and ourselves. While this whole thing “goes against the grain” of what we as a church are all about, we believe it is time to be good neighbours in our community. Here is an important reminder: The CHURCH is the PEOPLE! The Building is a BUILDING where the Church usually meets! For now, we're just going to do things a bit differently.
With this in mind, we are recommending the following course of action:
1. Please follow the guidelines of the Government and Health Care officials.
2. Give careful attention to social distancing measures.
3. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and use hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol when washing hands is not possible.
4. Cover your nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing. When using tissue dispose properly after each use. If none is available, use your arm or sleeve to cover your mouth.
5. Sanitize your living and work areas daily.
6. Stay at home if you are sick or have flu like symptoms.
7. Seek medical help if you have any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19.
8. Churches are being encouraged to move to online services.
9. Church choirs/groups practices and performances are to be discontinued until further notice.
10. All microphones are to be sanitized and handheld microphones are not to be shared.
11. Refrain from handshaking, hugging, or kissing in order to minimize the risk of exposure to the virus.
12. All auxiliary clubs and groups (Pathfinders, Adventurers, Community Services, etc.) be cancelled until further notice.
13. All services should be cancelled. Church buildings that have Air Condition should turn them off. Windows and doors should be open for sunlight and fresh air to fill the
14. Baptismal services should be done at the sea, and only with persons who are well. Avoid baptizing those who are at the at-risk age.
15. Funerals services and weddings are to be conducted with crowd size recommended by the Government.
16. Discontinue all Ordinances of Humility Services and the Lord’s Supper until further notice.
17. Postpone all baby blessings until further notice.
18. Discontinue all potlucks meals.
19. Properly constructed telephone protocols must be put in place to keep in contact with members. Face-to-face pastoral visits are to be minimized and telephone or electronic means used.
20. Churches that have online banking should provide their members with their account numbers to facilitate bank to bank transfers. Treasurers are to provide email addresses to members so they can state how the monies are to be distributed. Those unable to bank online should be encouraged to secure their tithe and
offerings until further notice.
21. Do not panic, continue to pray for each other and for those infected, affected and quarantined because of this virus.
22. Please promote the upcoming Day of Prayer and Fasting, April 4, 2020. While we may not come together in mass, we can and should observe this very special time of prayer.

In consultation with the Atlantic Caribbean Union Officers, we would like to state that all churches in our Conference must close immediately until the end of March 2020, initially. Additional information will be
forthcoming. We are asking all pastors to have church via the Internet or online. Furthermore, point #19 must
be instituted right away and especially for the next two weeks. The goal is to stay in contact with our members in spite of this challenge. You will hear more about this going forward. “The Lord have not given a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” With Christ as our guide we will be triumphant over this present challenge and the name of God will be glorified.
--Pastor Kenny Deveaux, President, South Bahamas Conference.

South Bahamas Conference District Adjustments
Please note the following pastoral adjustments:
Living Faith and Mayaguana Churches - Pastor Raydel Anthony Duffis
La Senda de la Vida and San Salvador - Pastor Ludwing Garcia - Dominguez
– Administration

March 2020
Please note: All of these events have been postponed due to the Covid - 19 pandemic.

19: Elder’s Information Session
21: Global and Children Youth Day – iCare “Refugees, Homeless, Strangers” (Local Church) Shelters, Prison, Nursing Homes, Detention Center, GYD March and Rally (PM Joint) Global Children’s Day
21 – 28: Spring Youth Evangelism
12 – 28: Youth Week of Prayer (Joint) Pastor Damien Chandler
22 – 27: Uchee Pines Wellness Seminar, Seale, Alabama
22: Communication Leaders Media Teams Training
28: Adventist Education Emphasis
28: Sabbath- Special Offering, Bahamas Academy
28 - 29: CHAM Leaders Certification Workshops
30: 8 Weeks to Wellness Graduation
Please standby for further information on future calendar events.

Fair and Health Expo Postponed
The ASI Trade Fair and Health Expo that has been scheduled for March 29, 2020 has been postponed. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please stay tuned for a new date to be announced. 

– Ms. Shandera Smith, Executive Secretary, ASI

The CHAM Leaders Certification level two, scheduled for Saturday March 28 – Sunday 29, 2020 is postponed. Please watch for new dates.
--Mrs. Lavern Sturrup, Children & Adolescent Ministries Director

News-writing and Photography Workshop
Scheduled for March 22, 2020 is Postponed. Please watch for new date.

Adventist Television 
Our local programming on Cable Channel ATV658 is suspended due to the malfunction of our broadcast equipment. The new equipment has been purchased and our programming will resume as soon as possible. We apologize for the interruption in our local programming. 

--Mrs. Lavern Sturrup, Communication Director

Medical Missionary Evangelism
All persons interested in becoming Medical Missionaries please contact Nathelyn LaCroix
at 323-0610 or WhatsApp 826-8486. 

–Mrs. Nathelyn Lacroix, Health Ministries Director

The first Sunday in every month will be early morning prayer meeting. Here are the scheduled meetings:
Hillview - April 5, 2020
Philadelphia - May 3, 2020
Bethel - June 7, 2020
Peardale - July 5, 2020
–Pastor Leonardo Rahming, Prayer Ministries Coordinator

First Quarter (January - March) “WE” (Women Empowerment) – Q1 Forecast:
March, 2020
20 - 22 WM “God’s Daughters Embrace” San Salvador Mission Retreat and  Zone 1 - Community Outreach -  has been cancelled.

Pause and Pray Wednesday.
Don’t forget our weekly Pause and Pray appointment on Wednesdays at noon.

Donation Request, Used, But In Good Condition Devotionals
Kindly donate to your local Women’s Ministries Leader for distribution during our community outreach projects this year.
--Mrs. Jacqueline Gibson, Women’s Ministries Director

 iCARE - Refugees, Homeless, Strangers - March 21, 2020 - has been cancelled

Ignite Youth Retreat 2020
Theme: WHY? Tradition vs. Religion
Venue: New Providence Community Center
Date: May 29-30, 2020
Registration is now open.
Early Bird: March 1-April 30 = $50.00
Regular: May 1-15 = $65.00
Late: May 16- 22 = $70.00
Registration fee includes dry fit t-shirt, bag, book, pen, SWAG, snack and meals! Make payments to your AY leader or the SBC treasury department.

Bible Connection Dates 2020
April 18- Local Church Finals
May 9- Conference Finals
Participants requirements:
Age: 16-30
Status: Single (unmarried)
Qualifications: Enrolled in University/College *Not have a degree.
1st Place- $1000.00 Scholarship
2nd Place- $500.00 Scholarship
3rd Place- $250.00 Scholarship

Cat Island Homecoming
All those interested in attending the 31st Cat Island Homecoming over the Easter weekend, April 10 &11, are asked to contact Henry Moncur @ 392-0589 or Norman Seymour @ 457-0067 for further information.

Radio Ministry
"A forum for further thought on the weekly Sabbath School Lesson". Tune into WORD SBC 88.3 FM by Radio or Online on the TuneIn radio app (WORD SBC 88.3FM) and experience this innovative, interactive and in-depth exchange on Tuesdays @ 7:30 p.m.; Fridays @ 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. and on
Sabbaths @ 6:30 a.m. Program Host: Elder Roger Rolle, AMR Music Ministry. Contact us
@ telephone 698-3461 or amr.musicministry@gmail.com.

Eternal Pages Concert
Scheduled for Sunday March 29, 2020 has been postponed. Watch for new date.

Please Email Weekly Announcements
To: sbclogos@gmail.com
Or logos@sbcadventist.org.bs
By Tuesday at 3:00p.m.

CALL 341-4021
March 28, 2020 at 7:24p.m.
Happy Sabbath!