Adventist Bahamas - Logos


Logos: May 18, 2024: Click here to read | Click to download

We live in a beautiful but sadly also very cruel world, where senseless actions occur every day. Unfortunately, our children are the most vulnerable to such experiences. Today, around the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Churches, it is recognized as “WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR CHILDREN AT RISK”.

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Logos: World Adventurer Day

Logos: May 18, 2024: Click here to read | Click to download

Today, we come together as a great family, connecting hearts from all parts of the world under this year's inspiring motto: " Jesus knows, He takes care of you." The theme for this year is like a giant hug from Jesus to each one of us. Did you know that the Bible tells us that Jesus is like a good shepherd who takes care of His little sheep?

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Logos: A Mother That Fears God

Logos: May 11, 2024: Click here to read | Click to download

Godly mothers are of great value to society; during this time each year, we pause to reflect on their invaluable role in our lives. Such mothers usually portray traits such as compassion, love, empathy, and affection. These godly characteristics often come naturally to most mothers who hold a unique place in our hearts.

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Logos: Jesus is the Answer- A heart of gratitude

Logos: May 04, 2024: Click here to read | Click to download

A Heartfelt Thank You to the Team Leaders and Members of the South Bahamas Conference

I write to you with a heart full of gratitude and joy as I reflect on the success of the recent evangelistic series, "Jesus is the Answer," led by the esteemed evangelist Steven Gates. Your unwavering support, dedication, and hard work have significantly impacted the lives of many individuals in our community.

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