Bible Connection 2019 ATCU Winner

Tori Knowles, a keen bible student, husband, father, banker, and a local elder at the Berea Seventh-day Adventist Church, Blue Hill Road, Nassau, The Bahamas, was the winner of the Atlantic Caribbean Union of Seventh-day Adventist (ATCU)  Bible Connection competition that was held on Grand Cayman Island, Cayman Island Conference the weekend of September 28, 2019.  In the photo below he is being congratulated by Pastor Reinaldo Dracket, president of the Cayman Island Conference.  Looking on are his dear wife, Anisia, and daughter, Pastor Jamal Franklyn of the South Bahamas Conference and Pastor Kent Price, Youth Director of the Atlantic Caribbean Union.

ABOVE PHOTO:  Tori Knowles shaking hands with Pastor Dracket, president of the Cayman Islands Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.  On the left looking on is his wife and daughter.

ABOVE PHOTO:  Pastor Jamal Franklyn, Youth Director of the South Bahamas Conference, served as the moderator for the Union Bible Bowl finals in Cayman Islands.